
Thumbnail of the map '#13'

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Author ultCult
Tags alphashallows author:ultcult nightterror rated
Created 2008-10-30
Last Modified 2012-11-03
by 9 people.
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#6 #7 #9 #10 #11 #12


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cool drone mechanic here, nicely done!
Demo Data

wow, really nice, faved! demo on nreality


That was amazing! The drones were amazing! Nice work 5/5
so i did. Favorably.


I remember when I got my record player, my parents were more excited than I was, and delved into the attic to salvage what records they had. Imagine my disappointment when my dad produced his Beethoven and 'sound effects' vinyl (basically a record full of random noses). ;_;
Which is a really nice collection.


that drone thing is pretty sweet i like the puzzle factor
on albums. it's epic

my father

is a packrat. he collects all sorts of things. he has several thousand books, mostly on literature and biblical matters. he also has several hundred records, which are now mine. :)


I liked it more before the resub.

I'm 17 and

I got like 200 records.
The best record yet is 'Hoodoo man' from 'Birth Control'.
Anyone knows it?
'Sheik Yerbouti' from Zappa is awesome too.


I now officially have 2 records in my own personal collection, among 300 or more of my mom's and stepdad's collection. And fortunately I'm the only one of the many kids and cousins and nieces and nephews who truly love records, so I think I get them all...

I got the chance to listen to IV on record a few months ago when I found it in my mom's collection. It was even better than the "no scratches or pops" version.
and i like the zap drone portion. everything else is average. 4/5


with the description. it's too bad we're moving on.
I came up with it in my head the other day, and in my imagination it worked wonderfully, but as soon as I made it into a proper map it just didn't work that well.


it was a bit laggy at the beginning with all the drones and such, but once they spread out it was better.

I like the idea, but the execution seems a bit off. Well done nonetheless.
Demo Data

Here's an AGD

Faster than my previous demo, but not as fast as my first demos. (On the "broken" versions I mean)
Demo Data
except I completely forgot about that group of gold in the bottom zap drone room.
Demo Data


Thank you once again :)
I'll go with your placement if you don't mind.


Well, at least now you're forced to get the trapdoor switch, although the placement poses another problem (unless you intended this...)
Demo Data
i kinda like it, 4