navigating the rockies(179)

Thumbnail of the map 'navigating the rockies(179)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author clearwindow
Tags action author:clearwindow dedications fun playable rated
Created 2008-09-21
Last Modified 2008-09-21
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description ded to "onesevennine"
he was the first to agd my quantum combustion
(isnspiration by crescor and blackson)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'grey money' Thumbnail of the map 'white money' Thumbnail of the map 'black money' Thumbnail of the map 'Hats full of money' Thumbnail of the map 'Thrusting outward' Thumbnail of the map 'quantum combustion'
grey money white money black money Hats full of money Thrusting outward quantum combustion


Pages: (0)


Demo Data
moved the exit so you have to get out manually instead of rebooting. if you know what i mean. which you probably wont


is tricky.
agd is very hard.


and ugly, my only complaints. I give it a 3. Plays fair.


you will get/are getting better, and some of your maps were way better then this. Btw, a 2 isn't THAT bad, most of the maps on NUMA, (even mine, I know) are way too overrated.

not very organized

2/5. Cheatable demo.
Demo Data



The gameplay

isn't just good, and it looks very ugly.
Sorry for not saying why I rated it a 2

Do you people

know the value of a 4?
rated 2

It was quite

entertaining =) 3.5