Hats full of money

Thumbnail of the map 'Hats full of money'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author clearwindow
Tags author:clearwindow fun playable rated
Created 2008-09-17
Last Modified 2008-09-17
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description um.. "meta Ing." 's tileset,
not as good as usual

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'orange money' Thumbnail of the map 'Purple money' Thumbnail of the map 'Red money' Thumbnail of the map 'grey money' Thumbnail of the map 'white money' Thumbnail of the map 'black money'
orange money Purple money Red money grey money white money black money


Pages: (0)

great map

could use a bit more flavor though.
Try placing gold in clusters so that it feels like it's worth getting. Also try placing your gold in areas that are off the beaten path if you know what I mean. Don't place gold where you think people are most likely to jump (I realize you have done this in this map but y'know, just for future reference).

That's all I have to say. Good job.


plastic window!! lolol

Good map.

Although the gameplay was nothing special, it was still fun. Try to use more than just gausses and rockets. Also, I don't really think it's a good idea to embed keys inside tiles. (referring to the one on the bottom-right)

Overall, decent map.

3.5 rounded down.

Btw, I'm glad you like my maps ^^!

i liked the title

i like the tileset
i like the item placement
i dont like the big open rocket room, but i often dont no matter how well its made :p
a little empty and pretty easy. i like this map. 3.5 rounded up. btw if you and plastic_vase clab, you can be plastic window :0!!!


we should collab.. 4/5??/

good idea,

By the way, I think you'll best get that point across if you tell them on one of their maps, especially one which you really like.


your name is great!! {refering to other map)by plastic_vase)
and i love your maps!!! you and riobe are my fave!!

its k

.. 3/5