
Thumbnail of the map 'Revival'

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Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker fast no-jump puzzle race rated unique
Created 2008-07-26
Last Modified 2008-07-26
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description This race is very unique. I tried to avoid the use of tiles as much as I could, and instead used objects to support the flow. This is mainly due to the complaints by many people that races now are all too similar. Hopefully this will make those people happy.

Again, THIS IS A NO-JUMP RACE. Also, due to the odd flow, one should not see this as a challenge to get the fastest demo. Instead one should try to get the flowiest demo :) So, if you break the flow to go too fast... you suck.

One last thing: There are three groups of three gold arranged in is possible to complete the race without getting these pieces. Extreme precision will be needed to get an AGD, and your timing will need to be very similar to mine. Therefore, these groups of gold are bonus ;D The first complete AGD (with bonus gold) will earn a ded on my next map. The first simple completion will earn a cookie and a pat on the back from yours truly.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'If Only He Would' Thumbnail of the map 'Plastic Stars' Thumbnail of the map 'Lurker' Thumbnail of the map 'Detrimentalist' Thumbnail of the map 'Outside Bounce' Thumbnail of the map 'Recycle'
If Only He Would Plastic Stars Lurker Detrimentalist Outside Bounce Recycle


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No, it's not your average race map. It's not even rateable as a race map (which is why I'm not even using GREGOR). But, it's fun, it's crazy, it's unique, and it's probably the result of drunk Nedding. :P 4.5^aved


like playing a DDA! i can't imagine how long this took to make :O.
Demo Data

now this is branching out in a good way. faved

Here is an AGD

Demo Data


forgot the demo.
Demo Data


it's like a DDA more than a race.


not great
Demo Data

Not all

FOTF has his moments:


I don't know why people are feeling bad about this being similar to a DDA. *All* no jump races are like DDAs. This map is pretty good at what it's aim is and that's why i gave it a 4/5.

Btw here's one of the best no-jump races I ever saw and it's also semi-DDA-
Claustrophobic []

Don't expect too many N-art and DDA makers in the near future either imo. These maps take a lot of time and with the spam ruling the new NUMA, who would want to make so much of an effort for a map, only to see it pushed off the page too soon by some dumb spam maps...

Good point.

But are you saying the new maps will not compare to the old maps because they are not good enough to?


Yes, that's why it's a puzzle race. It's not meant to be some simple loopy race you can whiz through on your first try. You need to take some time and find out how to work your way through the level. Does anyone read the descriptions?!

Also, I hate people complaining about how sites they visit are "changing"... this has happened to me in other places too. But that's what happens. Over time people will leave, and new people will come. You should look forward to newcomers and encourage expansion of the NUMA community. Yes maybe all the newbie maps suck now, but eventually greatness will emerge, sometime, from someone.

As a community, NUMA is always changing. It's existed for years now and has been constantly changing the whole time (I haven't played N since the start of NUMA) and amazing mapmakers eventually stop making maps as they move on...

But what was amazing then might not be now. People can't look down on creative and fun maps now simply because they are using the standards from two years ago, and the new maps don't compare.

THE END (as a sidenote, this entire thing wasn't about how awesome my map is, I just felt like remarking here)
Most of the good authors left on NUMA will leave, leaving a dump of n00b authors left here. That would be terrible. And as bunnies said, more new authors need to step up. 8/10 maps on the hot maps page are usually terrible "1" and full "E" tile maps. More and more great authors are leaving, and some are still here, but don't make maps nearly as much. What happened to all the N-Art authors? All the good DDA makers? They all left.

Listen up New authors: Make good quality maps.

Then again, who am I to talk. a:


thats pretty mad! i loved it cept i kept dieing...kinda hard but everytime i die i get a bit further...good job

It has changed

I dont like this. Its impossible to get on your first go. The flow is waay to random to follow initially

oh gods

people think that races being borderline DDA's is GOOD?

bunnies was right, this place has changed.
a no jump race. That's how most of them are.


it's like an DDA that you hav to play... that's crazy... 5/5aved
I got one anyway. Faved
Demo Data


A rate of three, then four, then five. Just had to comment on that. :P


its like a DDA...only its not


What the hell?

I never could have expected that kinda flow. 4

A bit confusing, but it definitely needs some aesthetic work. Even if you tried to use more objects instead of tiles, maybe some of the objects could of been placed...neater(i.e. the mines). Plus, maybe this is a bit too unique, but it sure is different. Try to keep experimenting with this.


That's weird, I think I fixed it though.

I missed one gold

even though i went through it...

nice use of thwumps, but nothing amazing. 3/5
Demo Data

Ah yes

I didn't get one set of bonus gold in my demo. It's not really tough to figure out how to get those few though. I'll leave at least a little bit of it up to you :P

It will take a few tries to get the timing down even if you watch my demo, I reckon.
Demo Data