
Thumbnail of the map 'Detrimentalist'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author magirocker
Tags action author:magirocker detrimentalist playable rated
Created 2008-07-11
Last Modified 2008-07-11
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Finally, an action from me which I don't think sucks.

Leave comments + critiques, ideas on how to improve the map, what you didn't like and why you disliked it or what you liked and why you liked it :)

I might resubmit this if I get a lot of helpful feedback, or if I just end up changing it a lot anyway.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Huge Chrome Peach' Thumbnail of the map 'Bezcitny' Thumbnail of the map 'Bent Annick' Thumbnail of the map 'If Only He Would' Thumbnail of the map 'Plastic Stars' Thumbnail of the map 'Lurker'
Huge Chrome Peach Bezcitny Bent Annick If Only He Would Plastic Stars Lurker


Pages: (0)


REALLY like the tileset. and the enemy placement is great too.

Here's an AGD

Demo Data


That's true in general, but there is almost no place here where you should be in an awkward situation, except around the key and the door maybe, but there aren't enemies there...

I don't know it doesn't show votes for me. Map's thwumps are perfectly placed.

A little cluttered

And the "5" tiles have really awkard gameplay.
It's showing that I have two votes so I'm pretty sure ratings are enabled :O did you log out or something?

clever! takes strategy to beat. If you enabled the ratings i would give this 5/5! VERY NICE!

I once made a level like this, except I got it by typing in random numbers in the level data. no offense

looks better
