Huge Chrome Peach

Thumbnail of the map 'Huge Chrome Peach'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker chrome hard huge peach race rated
Created 2008-05-01
Last Modified 2008-05-01
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description I like this race very much, I have spent a long time making it after the approval of my last race map.

NOTE: This is very hard. I will post a demo right away so you can see how its done, however the difficulty is not due to patches or errors in the flow, but confusing paths and a few tricky jumps.

It's kinda long too. Give it a shot! And GOOD LUCK! =D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cutting Edge' Thumbnail of the map 'Unquenchable Thirst for Gold' Thumbnail of the map 'A Little Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Should I' Thumbnail of the map 'Plunging Hornets' Thumbnail of the map 'Keek'
Cutting Edge Unquenchable Thirst for Gold A Little Death Should I Plunging Hornets Keek


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you WERE the only one to demo

Very nice flow, though the teleporter is annoying, lucky for me i looked ahead to see where it went

4 - very addictive, but when your making races, practice makes perfect! Unless your me and your races are just getting worse. :/
Demo Data
It is very hard and relies alot on the player knowing exactly what he has to do next. Although I'm sure once you get the flow it's great, the flow isn't intuitive.

I kinda

Agree with bunniesandsheep.
Btw I think teleporters in races are pretty awful, you don't know here you end up 3/5


yuckyful. Bad flow. Overusage of objects. 3.5. and I"m being generous


Only successful race i've ever seen that has used teleporters. Honestly i thought this was PERFECT. In my opinion deserves to be bitesized. I loved it

awesome map!

though there were some minor flow issues.. still 4.5/5


lol thanks

Here is the Demo :)

Demo Data