Cutting Edge

Thumbnail of the map 'Cutting Edge'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker cutting edge new race rated
Created 2008-04-08
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Ok, I resubmitted my last map for two reasons, it was getting very little attention/votes, and also there were quite a few things I ended up tweaking. Overall, the flow is better, the race is slightly longer, and it looks a bit better too.

Please don't be put off by the thumbnail. Try the map/watch the demo and see the flow yourself. Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Disillusioned - Remake' Thumbnail of the map 'N Showdown' Thumbnail of the map 'Journey through Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Reels of Glory' Thumbnail of the map 'Like Clockwork' Thumbnail of the map 'Double Comeback'
Disillusioned - Remake N Showdown Journey through Water Reels of Glory Like Clockwork Double Comeback


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I think this is a new and innovative race, but I agree with POSW, it was pretty hard. Especially the beginning with the mine, but that was mostly hard because my computer is so terrible. I also didn't like the part about 800 frames or so in where you have to jump on the thwump... That part just didn't seem very flowy for me.

Fastest AGD

Muahaha i win :D

Demo Data

Took me five mins

hehe, didnt even notice your demo till i just posted this XD
Demo Data


are you saying its one of those levels that you have to play for hours to get a good demo?

It's not THAT hard for me... but I probably playtested it for hours >_>
The thumbnail isn't that off-putting.
The problem is that the level is too hard. I know I sound like I'm a whiny noob, but there's a difference between a hard level and one that you need to play for hours on end to get a really good demo.

4.5/5, nice job.

O yea

i gave it a 4.5/5

Very Nice

The flow when executed right was perfect. The ending part with the nice little jump for the switch takes a little getting used to but overall a very nice race.


Almost perfect flow
Demo Data