Double Comeback

Thumbnail of the map 'Double Comeback'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker dda loop non-playable rated tower towerloop
Created 2008-03-01
Last Modified 2009-02-16
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Hello, everyone, I haven't submitted a map in a while, I've just been hanging around, sometimes playing and rating other maps. Here is a tower-loopish level I made a while ago.


EDIT: For some reason a tag is appearing called "autogenerated"....just to clarify, I made this entirely on my own. No part whatsoever was autogenerated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Disillusioned' Thumbnail of the map 'Disillusioned - Remake' Thumbnail of the map 'N Showdown' Thumbnail of the map 'Journey through Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Reels of Glory' Thumbnail of the map 'Like Clockwork'
Disillusioned Disillusioned - Remake N Showdown Journey through Water Reels of Glory Like Clockwork


Pages: (0)

Nicely done.

I've always been fascinated by this type of glitchy mechanics, probably because I was never able to replicate it, at least not nearly to this extent.

Maxed I think :)
Demo Data

Longest demo.. lol
Demo Data


It's ok... but I've seen it so many times.




Really good map! I'm surprised that the ninja doesn't die at the very end. Clever. 5/5.

Thanks :)

I didn't make very many maps, and most weren't very good. I had some cool ideas though =/


A fresh 5 :)

And welcome back (to mapmaking) , even if i dont know you ;D