If Only He Would

Thumbnail of the map 'If Only He Would'

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Author magirocker
Tags author:magirocker tileset unrated
Created 2008-05-04
Last Modified 2008-05-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I like how this turned out. I've never really spent time on a tileset before, but I like this one. Very odd though. Kind of creepy actually...

EDIT: Forgot to mention, feel free to use this in a map, just credit me, and I'd like if you put my name as a tag. Thanks :P

Other maps by this author

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Should I Plunging Hornets Keek Huge Chrome Peach Bezcitny Bent Annick


Pages: (0)

It's good.

But it seems a bit random.


Good Map


You mind if i attempt to make a map with it?