baptised by dub

Thumbnail of the map 'baptised by dub'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags action author:unconditional playable rated
Created 2007-09-08
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description there's something wrong about this map,

but go with flow...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Born slippy' Thumbnail of the map 'necessity, part one' Thumbnail of the map 'she said, part two' Thumbnail of the map 'something different.' Thumbnail of the map '本 / kraze' Thumbnail of the map 'necessity, part two [edited]'
Born slippy necessity, part one she said, part two something different. 本 / kraze necessity, part two [edited]


Pages: (0)

its not your best

but not a complete loss.
the rocket placement annoyed me alot, and everytime i tried to use that launch pad in the left middle, it seemed to get me. 3/5

Great map

Great author. This one is maybe a bit too empty, but everything is placed excellently and you're one of the few authors that really takes advantage of N's incredible physics engine. 4.


I like the flow at the beginning. It kinda dies for me halfway through, but I probably didn't follow it correctly. Nice placement of the 1 ways.


quick little agd

Demo Data
kinda like it 4.5
Demo Data
great super fun action map. Is it a collab with you and in_dub?
I messed up in this demo, as usual, but not too badly. It's all gold, at least. great gameplay and good stylish looks, it's a clear fave and supah 4.5.
Demo Data