Sunday N Comments

The Sunday N
by Alex Kurcharski, featuring Tanner Rogalsky and Matt Blaylock

Back to issue 40


Uma Thurman on a quest for revenge?





Hehe, fuck you, guy. I am lazy.

I've got everyone's shit now. I'm just not bothering to do this 'til my day off. Which is tomorrow. So put on your wanking caps.



"The reason this weekly slice of joy was called The Sunday N is because that banner kicks more ass than Uma Thurman on a quest for revenge."

Also, Alex is lazy.

Pretentious? Yes, I am!


Anyway, thanks AleX for a fucking brilliant addition to NUMA. You put in a lot of effort.

Last issue?!


Nooooooooo!!! I beg of thou! Being on the Sunday N is better than being bitesized, IMO. Issue #32 w00t!


22 days.

Whose fault is it?

Oh, Come ON


Whoever is holding this up, HURRY UP.



Ah well, it was fun while it lasted


Oh well.


I wasn't addicted to it, I just think it was a nice thing to have around. I never quite said so enough. I see why KinGAlex is stopping it - there are far better things to spend time on than an entirely voluntary newsletter for which you get paid, as he put it best, "in spiritual fuck yous".

If anyone's actually going to try to carry on a newsletter, though, I'll help, if you want me around. :D

You're all druggies, and you're addicted to the Sunday N.


Kick the habit. Kick the halibut.
Go easy on 'em, yeah?


@Mirage, I was thinking of doing something with artist COmmentary of the Third Kind.


I'm actually working on it now.



We could keep it going KinGAleX. Or we could just start a new one. I don't know if or what anyone has planned, but I could get this going again (with help from some other members of Mirage).

And for all it's worth, I enjoyed every bit of the Sunday N. Fourty weekly issues... that's an achievement if I ever saw one.

MONTHLY &quot;N&quot;


*nods head frantically*

I liked the sunday N


and although I'm sad to see it go, who can blame KA for not wanting to devote his time to this fruitless labor. No one praises him for doing it, but you all seem to get awfully upset when he stops. Selfish. Maybe a monthly N or something, I still think it's a good way to keep the community updated, especially those who don't frequent the message boards. Just eliminate the maps section, and include general events, contests, map packs, big news, etc.

WhAt ThE hElL !?!


WHAT NOOOO!!! i always read the sunday n and i enjoy it so much

please dont shut it down please - im begging you -



Sorry, no, I didn't take you up on your offer. I didn't mean it to be rude, I just lost track of everything when I decided not to keep going after this, so I just got someone else to do it quickly. However, they haven't been so quick, so if they don't have it at the end of today, I'll send you a PM.

Nice to know you're supportive, but this is my time to go. :)

Just in case


I don't know if I was accepted or not.

Also, it's a shame if The Sunday N is going to shut down. I look forwards to it and amazingly I don't moan when it's late. Funny how I manage that!



Because it doesn't really matter. And I'm waiting on Random Rates. And it's the last one, so I'm drawing it out a bit.

Hey, asshole!


You're eight days late! Why don't you get off your lazy ass and finish this newsletter?



you guys are all fucking stupid

im in year 9


woo! im above my standard :) [/sarcasm]

plus i dont do economics, i pity anyone who does



Congratulations on learning something from tenth grade Economics class, Fingersonthefrets.

The reason this weekly slice of joy was called The Sunday N is because that banner kicks more ass than Uma Thurman on a quest for revenge.

you don't /need/ anything unless it's for a certain purpose


eg. you only need oxygen if you want to live

&quot;You don't need a weekly newsletter any more than I need a Nintendo DS&quot;


But I WANT a weekly newsletter!

Admit it, the sunday N was cool. If they'd just NOT called it the SUNDAY N, nobody would be bitching about it
/ends hypocrisy.

Well, I think KinGAleX is exploiting a loophole.


By making the Sunday N a week late, it's still submitted on Sunday.



You're all a bunch of stupid cunts. You don't need a weekly newsletter any more than I need a Nintendo DS.

But, fuck, man, they have all kinds of new species of Pokemon in Diamond and Pearl, plus that new SUPER MARIO BROS. GAME, and let's not even get fucking started on the DS version of SM64 where you can play as fucking Wario.

Man, I need a fucking Nintendo DS.

ALEX RULEZ!!!!!1111111111one!

Didn't mean to sound so negative


I just think that if KA can't put enough attention to the sunday n to make it regular, then it just shouldn't be.

Also, it seems we have different tastes in maps.

I don't dislike the sunday n as a whole, it just was becoming less and less cohesive and readable.

Sounds Cool


I was thinking how this leaves the weekly newsletter spot open.

An idea - Sunday N 2.0?


After the Sunday N's been laid to rest for a few weeks/months/ice ages, we could make a new newsletter where writing and map selection responsibility's handed about between guest authors. It could include semi-regular features selected from what's available at the author's discretion, as well as the compulsory choice of the week's maps. That way, only this week's author's responsible for lateness (well, "responsible" is the wrong word because it implies that anything bad which happens is all his/her fault, but I'm sure you know what I mean). It wouldn't be brilliant, but it'd be something, and it might be interesting to see different members of the community take the reins. Obviously each author would have to be a) well-known/liked/respected and b) sure of being able to write for the week.

It's not a great idea and it needs refining, since I came up with it ten minutes ago, but it might just work. What do you think?



yanni :)

Um. . . Uh


Th- the s- Sunday N is um, is. . . um. . . run by g- g- good people, so who- whoever is holding t- this, um, up should h-hurry up.

. . .

Please d- don't yell at m- m- me.



i like the sunday n.

What is wrong with you?


"Alex seems angry, so I'll intelligently magnify this by retorting acrimoniously."

Alex has the prerogative to perceive you members justly. You ceaselessly lament his every word, and incessantly complain about his every action. He has not done a thing to disservice you, yet you can acquire this immoral attitude to disservice him. The only intention his tone is distasteful is because of your frequent animosity towards him. It's unjust, blatantly.



I can understand the people who don't really do anything to add to this community. They have things to do that take priority over Metanet. I get that. I can dig it.

I cannot understand, nor can I abide, the people who don't do anything and criticize those who do. Jakel, this is the fortieth issue of The Sunday N. Fourty. Fucking. Issues. And you're... complaining? Goddamn you, man.

You don't even know what you're complaining about. Alex has these done consistently on time. The Sunday N, however, requires collaboration from multiple sources and these sources aren't always on time. Christ, I wasn't. So go sit on your whiny, little ass and twiddle your thumbs while the big boys jump through hoops for your amusement. Cunt. Wad.


Ass. I was just making a point.

How can you be such inconsiderate, abhorrent assholes?


You inconsiderate, abhorrent assholes!



"so maybe shutting the fuck up would help us all out a little? I'd love to hear what you have to say."

I think the funniest part is that these sentences are so close to each other. Oh the irony...

Also, thanks for putting this 3 legged lung cancer dog out of its misery.

Nor me


...just saying.

... it wasnt apparent to me




Er, I've already made it pretty apparent that this next Sunday N will be the last one. If you're not willing to actually participate enough in the community to be recipient to that information, that's your problem, not mine. I don't feel the need to rush it. I'm perfectly fine sitting on my lazy ass and waiting for the Random Rates and Artist Commentary to be done. I'm just drawing out the conclusion for you.

Now take it out of your goddamn vagina, stop whimpering about an erroneous name, get your own face in the community and do something with your time instead of complaining about what you, the consumer, has shit all to say about. You're not paying me for this, except in spiritual fuck yous, so maybe shutting the fuck up would help us all out a little? That's just what I think. I'd love to hear what you have to say.



as cool as jakel :P



Yeah, but you aren't as cool as Jakel.

Furthermore, if you guys are implying I wanted to do it, I nicknamed myself "Random Rates McGee" since I CREATED random rates.

Don't forget Yahoozy.

@ Jakel


dont bother i tried making that point on the forums a while ago and i got screwed over for it...




KA, if you're not going to do this, just tell us.


The past four or five issues have been late for over 4-5 days. It's called The Sunday N, not The Thursday N.


No, you are! ><



Don't forget random rates McGee?


No you are!

we all do ska..


we all do :)



I want to do random rates!!! Why don't Sendy, Typewriter and I do one each!


Oh, right!
Now I remember why 'pretentious' sounded so familiar.

all because...


i mentioned everyone being pretentious on one of my maps?



No you are!



I don't actually read instructions. You see, I'm a man. And I do manly things like boldly forging on ahead without fear of any consequences or the worry of what people might think of my actions in hindsight. You weren't there when I made that decision, SlappyMcGee. You can't know what went through my mind in the split second that I chose that tileset.

Also, Nterviewed will be back when y'all start doing something noteworthy.



Fucking Tanner. Leave it to him to fuck up a simple concept.

No Tilesets. These are the rules. You must obey.

That Tanner douche...


Nobody liked the way he was trying to "Change" the "Sunday" "N" to make it all "Family oriented".

I would love to see Yahoozy do RR. I wish I could pick the people doing it.

Nobody really liked Tanner, anyway. Nor will they ever.


If I don't get any back-up on this, some faces are going to hit the floor.

Anyway, I want to do Random Rates sometime. The Sunday N is usually published while I'm in school, so there's always some comments whenever I first get to it. It'd be really awesome if you did that for me, Alex. Really awesome.


I'm guessing Tanner's having a hugeeee rest.

Can i do it after sendy?


Or are you going to be really mean? and where's Nterveiwed?

I wanna do random rates!


me sad now.

Fucking A.


I love my contribution to The Sunday N.

If I'm not remembered for my countless one-off webcomics, let me be remembered for Random Rates.

"Random Rates McGee, they say his name was. They say he could run faster than eight bulls, tied together."

He totally can.


40th issue. I didn't realize.



i got in :)

so how is it picked?


just the top 5 on the random page?



Sendy doing Random Rates

I'll do the Random Rates


It seems fuuuuun

I'm scared of Random Rates.


I'm mortally afraid that one of my maps will crop up and get a 0/5.
It's a good idea, though.

I should comment more often on these newsletters. They're lovely.

