Featured Maps: 199 to 10
Featured map for 2015-05-05: HI083 by Onesevennine
There are two things I love more than myself: abstract maps and puzzle maps. I believe levels that require more effort and thinking are usually more rewarding. Not only from the player's point of view but also the author's. And this puzzle from Onesevennine is a phenomenal way to show a combination of these two mapping genres. Clever thwump mechanics, a laid-back atmosphere, and brilliant teleporters make this map an ethereal experience. Even in its divided nature, it will have your undivided attention. — CF
Featured map for 2015-05-04: Up-scale by ninjaxion
Imagine, for a moment, that you are walking along a cliff. Maybe on a beach, with the sun setting over the ocean.
You look up the cliff. There’s something reflecting the light there. You squint. Is that… is that gold?
Okay, two options. You can continue your leisurely stroll, or you can try to defy gravity in pursuit of the promise of riches untold. Personally, I would go with the first option, but –
Oh, who am I kidding. I can see that mad glint in your eye, don’t think I can’t. Go ahead. Just… try not to die, yeah?
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-05-01: Sun's Day by Race_Week
In 2010 im_bad_at_n led the “Race_Week” project. 7 races were released one day at a time, and at the end of the week the author of each race was revealed. Being a foremost expert in race maps*, I knew exactly who made each one the moment I saw the thumbnail. Each one, that is, except Sun's Day.
This race was so brilliantly creative, so intricately and flawlessly woven that I mistook it for the works of not just one, but 3 of the greatest race mappers of all time*.
*Opinion. But I'm right.
— _destiny^-
Featured map for 2015-04-30: A Floorguard's Paradise by maxson924
“Hey! What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Uh… I’m a ninja? Going to places where we aren’t supposed to be is sorta our thing?”
“But not here! Never here! FUCK! Do you have any idea where you are?”
“This is floorguard paradise! Where they go when they die from over-exhaustion after chasing you fuckers! They can’t help it, it’s a reflex, they fucking hate it! And now you come here, invade the one place where they can just do their thing and chill with their buddies? Get OUT!”
“Did you hear me?”
“… Oh fuck me.”
— lifdoff
Featured map for 2015-04-29: Fluor by blue_tetris
In a little sort of fury to consecutively feature a couple of blue_tetris levels, I selected this too. It is pure genius, it is extremely well built, and you will enjoy looking for the solution. All of us, as authors, want to be innovative, or create new concepts at least. But we can't all be blue_tetris.
Look, there are no hidden enemies or bizarre layouts, or even thwumps (I hope you get the wink), just an intelligent mind arranging some objects. I think we still need to remember from whence we came.
— zoasBE
Featured map for 2015-04-27: Mysterious by macrohenry
I never could get enough of how forests look at night. Nor could I think that they are anything less than mysterious.
Standing still, watching the moon’s rays pass through every leaf and branch, calling for a dance of shadows. Silence so deep, every beat of the heart is heard for miles.
And when the Moon hits his zenith, the masterpiece of nature unfolds. Every shape, every shade - so perfect & accurate. That exact moment, which very few can catch, much less visualize: simple, pure, unadulterated beauty.
— CF
Featured map for 2015-04-24: 53-2: Molecula by zoasBE
At the bottom of a deep dark well, lies a deep dark cave. At the bottom of the deep dark cave, lies a deep dark passage. At the end of the deep dark passage, lies a mysteriously spherical room. At the bottom of the mysterious spherical room is a lone ninja, surrounded by dangerous foes and obstacles who will do anything to make sure he does not escape.
But at the top of the room, a glimmer of light shimmers. A beacon of hope. A mere glimpse of the world beyond. A world you had almost forgotton.
A golden bean.
— _destiny^-
Featured map for 2015-04-22: What's Mine is Yours by blue_tetris
We're almost at the end of a NUMACON -- which unfortunately has not been as active as it deserves -- based on creating a long, bad-ass map, and I want to encourage all the active mappers to try and make a fun, challenging level. Like this one. The pattern is simple, but the arrangement of the gold and the mines makes it superb. No single jump is too hard, but the insanity is based on its length, and how many landings you have to stick. But nothing feels better than completing this map, I guarantee you.
What's yours is ours!
— zoasBE
Featured map for 2015-04-21: Down in the Waves by DaggaFork
I’m glad that DaggaFork has started mapping more frequently again as his average map quality is particularly high. A perfect example for his mapmaking skills is “Down in the Waves” where Dagga creates a lovely puzzle experience through an original and refreshing use of one-ways, while one solitary rocket always keeps you on your toes. Last but not least, he crafted a beautiful tileset to aesthetically compliment the amazing gameplay on display here. I’m really thankful for that because, for some reason, I’m madly in love with that circle. <3 — macrohenry
Featured map for 2015-04-19: Apollo by wellsj
More than 235,000 maps. There's a lot of dreck there, but also many, many good maps. Among those maps, there are those that I would call excellent, and yet another subset of those maps are the ones that I would consider worthy of a feature.
But beyond that, there is yet another category: maps that don't deserve a feature, but demand it, where I feel honestly feel privileged to be the one to write it.
Apollo is such a map. Simple, yet challenging; jagged, yet enthralling, this is a map that deserves to share its name with a god.
— lifdoff