The Flying Dutchman

Thumbnail of the map 'The Flying Dutchman'

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Author b3njamin
Tags author:b3njamin playable race rated
Created 2007-06-15
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description masterpiece, its really my favorite
hint: go as fast as you can then the drones won't botter you.

and in_dub.. hehe.. yes, try this one (again)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'race tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Jimmy lives in a phonebook' Thumbnail of the map 'if there was life on mars, they would make this race' Thumbnail of the map '#8 tiles revange' Thumbnail of the map 'if there was life on mars, they would make this race too!' Thumbnail of the map 'the little jumper'
race tileset Jimmy lives in a phonebook if there was life on mars, they would make this race #8 tiles revange if there was life on mars, they would make this race too! the little jumper


Pages: (0)

Great race

4.5/5 keep it up
soz if i offended u but a really gr8 race map keep it up man :):):):):):):):)


yeh you are definetly improving . keep it up 4/5
but overall very nice indeed. 3.5

one very near close call in my demo. AGD
Demo Data
he's my insperation


Ooo.. wierd demo (mine)
Demo Data


But besides that, this is a very fun, flowy race. The tileset is excellent.

You are becomming a very good race maker.

Demo Data


Demo Data