if there was life on mars, they would make this race too!

Thumbnail of the map 'if there was life on mars, they would make this race too!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author b3njamin
Tags author:b3njamin playable race rated
Created 2007-06-13
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description hard race, yes you can jump.
rate comment agd

In_dub check this race :P


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'P-own the floors of the caves- No Jumprace' Thumbnail of the map 'The Kracken returns again' Thumbnail of the map 'race tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Jimmy lives in a phonebook' Thumbnail of the map 'if there was life on mars, they would make this race' Thumbnail of the map '#8 tiles revange'
P-own the floors of the caves- No Jumprace The Kracken returns again race tileset Jimmy lives in a phonebook if there was life on mars, they would make this race #8 tiles revange


Pages: (0)


i call it ((no flo agd))
Demo Data


I like the two thwumps at the beginning. Nice Race. 4/5
Demo Data


Different path... could be faster.
Demo Data




4.5/5, Good job.


Here's a faster demo, because I cheated :-O I missed 2 pieces of gold because of my shortcut.
Demo Data

4.5/5 BECAUSE that bit is 0.5 detracted i think .. love the map tho- keep it up

THIS is probaly your bast race yet. i like it alot but what about trying this because this bit does not fit in wit the rest of the great race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|5^156,252!8^156,240,3!8^156,228,0!8^516,360,2!10^720,348!2^120,348,0,-1.3!8^180,204,0!7^240,438,0!9^96,444,1,1,21,11,0,0,-1!0^96,444!0^102,462!0^102,426!9^414,354,0,0,8,22,1,-1.2,0!0^396,228!0^420,228!7^390,252,3!9^114,318,0,0,25,9,1,-1,0!9^114,318,1,0,25,9,1,0,-1!10^684,240!9^84,270,1,0,26,9,1,0,-1!9^78,216,0,0,26,9,1,0,0!2^618,240,0,-1.4!11^36,120,648,108!9^360,312,1,0,26,6,1,0,-1!9^444,552,0,0,9,2,1,-1,0!0^666,300!0^672,324!0^672,414!0^660,432!0^108,150!0^126,144!0^144,150!0^336,120!0^318,120!0^300,120!6^708,372,5,0,0,2!10^402,354!9^252,528,0,0,5,2,1,0,0!9^252,528,0,0,5,1,1,0,0:

in_dub 4.5-5/5 not decided yet .


Demo Data