door maze 1

Thumbnail of the map 'door maze 1'

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Author riku97
Tags author:riku97 playable race unrated
Created 2007-05-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description woohoo 3 in a row today. im on a roll right now. this isnt as long as my last creation.. door master or my first: the path of life but it is a pretty good one that takes you everywhere.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N trampoline' Thumbnail of the map 'Swurvey Curvey' Thumbnail of the map 'A GIFT TO YOU' Thumbnail of the map 'door master' Thumbnail of the map 'the rose with the golden petals' Thumbnail of the map 'SHINING BLACK DRAGON'
N trampoline Swurvey Curvey A GIFT TO YOU door master the rose with the golden petals SHINING BLACK DRAGON


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It's short, but i dont know how to explain it.


are you s'posed to be able to do this?
Demo Data


really bad. u can nearly cannt die, and the flow is bad 1/5

Oops xD

Demo Data

Fastest death



did i do this right, cuz that seemed too easy...
Demo Data

i died

a door closed on me
Demo Data