Swurvey Curvey

Thumbnail of the map 'Swurvey Curvey'

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Author riku97
Tags author:riku97 playable race rated
Created 2007-05-04
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description its a nice race with only curves. people will probly say " this is crap its not a race whyd you even waste time on it" but i say so what i was bored so enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'loop d loop' Thumbnail of the map 'extremely annoying' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN!!!!!!!!! REVISED' Thumbnail of the map 'red and gold overload' Thumbnail of the map 'Floors' Thumbnail of the map 'N trampoline'
loop d loop extremely annoying RUN!!!!!!!!! REVISED red and gold overload Floors N trampoline


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Put some originality into it.


I thought it was good, better than I can do.
but I decided to give up because this map is way too damn long and too damn boring. I respect your dedication to NUMA, but this was just incredibly boring AND long. Shorten it.

Otherwise, this map deserves a maximum of 1/5. Sorry, but this was just too long. Demo is FBF.
Demo Data

i think

that its too long and boring... but im shure that everyone has made one of these along the lines