Dragon Fang

Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Fang'

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Author topolord
Tags action author:topolord bitesized featured playable rated
Created 2007-01-27
by 23 people.
Map Data

Description brought to you by the N.F.P.O.D.
Raiding gold from the mouth of the dragon itself!
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This map was featured on 2009-10-24

In a recent victory for Science, the first genetically engineered "dragon" was released to the public last week. Shrugging off questions like the technological feasibility of creating imaginary creatures and the ethical implications of setting it loose downtown, the lead scientists on the project were quick to justify their creation.
"Science is about the how, not the why. Besides, it drools gold!"
When questioned about the electrocuting robots and explosives the creature also spit up, they said those were "minor bugs" and would be fixed in the next update. Back to you, Tom. — toasters

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sleeping Puppy' Thumbnail of the map 'High-Jinks on the High Seas' Thumbnail of the map 'Big old pillar thingies with electric enemies comeing out. -oh noes!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragons ftw!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon's eye' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Breath'
Sleeping Puppy High-Jinks on the High Seas Big old pillar thingies with electric enemies comeing out. -oh noes! Dragons ftw! Dragon's eye Dragon Breath


Pages: (0)

great tileset

im not liking the gameplay tho, sorry

did i say is?

I meant was...


tense fail.

Why thank you, Tom.

I'm standing outside the office of "Arachnid", only to find a sign stating he doesn't work on Sundays. However, I can reveal that a secret source has stated this halt is due to a user, known as "Whittyboy" tried to submit 20 maps at once. I cannot confirm anything as of yet, but I shall keep you updated. Back to the studio.
it wasn't that the drones were too much, it was that the way that they were placed allowed too little freedom to get the gold. It seemed like the gold was more of an afterthought in this map. That said, I love the tileset just as much as everyone else has :p



a bit too much going on in this map for me.. looks cool though.


We have a new reporter, Mr. Chris Evans is here with the news where you are.
Today's breaking news, a plane has crashed in Heathrow Airport. Emergency units are rushing down; it seems that pilots shouldn't be drunk either.

That's it, on today's BBC News.


i thought the review felt more like a description. It didn't praise the map at all, merely stated what we can see, put into the context of a news report.

But seeing as how we rate maps not reviews, this is pretty cool.


BLeHaıughHGhl.çneDÇDNADNAd anfhac8fy0bs hagc sant
8fhavc.svgbs<gfbhjra zyss fvsdfvsgfdzngb<zsfn<m...................................................fuck. bleagh.


review. ever.
Map is good, dragon craze was awesome :) I was indifferent to the ponies. Ponies are okay.

Good map choice, it just didn't play that well in the interior, especially the upper gold.

good be review

good be map
map be good

O wait I can't vote
'ratings disabled'
Those gold and mine thing at the bottom right isn't really needed.

Bunched up drones...
Mines are OK
Tileset :)

altogether, 3.5down. Sorry.

dinosaur bones

it looks more like a dinosaur to me :)


AGD-Impossible! Rlly rlly hard to pass this

very good tileset but like sweep said, the gameplay just isnt the same.. 4/5


The tileset is incredible. The gameplay just doesn't live up to it in the slightest. I mean, it's perfectly pleasant and fun gameplay. But the tileset is just sooo much better.
Demo Data


i think this has great game play. the drone paths are amazing btw


All gold.

But with a terrible ending.
Demo Data
but the flames keep it real, man.


Look at all the junk in his mouth!!!! he needs to brush a hellova lot more!

it could also be

a T-REX!
realy cool tileset, its jaw droping


submition for the 'Drone Path' competition.