Big old pillar thingies with electric enemies comeing out. -oh noes!

Thumbnail of the map 'Big old pillar thingies with electric enemies comeing out. -oh noes!'

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Author topolord
Tags action author:topolord playable rated
Created 2007-01-20
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fantasmagorical' Thumbnail of the map 'Superliminal Clock-Work' Thumbnail of the map 'Up -and- Down' Thumbnail of the map 'Roses have thorns ya' know.' Thumbnail of the map 'Sleeping Puppy' Thumbnail of the map 'High-Jinks on the High Seas'
Fantasmagorical Superliminal Clock-Work Up -and- Down Roses have thorns ya' know. Sleeping Puppy High-Jinks on the High Seas


Pages: (0)

first try agd

pretty fun.
Demo Data


sniped. but not more then once, or possibly just two two's. but I think this is definitely better then average. ah, well. se la vi.

That was

a last saving idea.


Love the trap doors. 4.5
Demo Data


and kinda hard