Gothical Arcanity

Thumbnail of the map 'Gothical Arcanity'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2006-09-01
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I cackle at your ninja skills.
Cackle cackle cackle.

RATE!!! vote, play, enjoy, leave comments, it's a routine.
You will like this level. If you don't... um... I dunno actually. You'll like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Please Believe Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Zeus Aint Got Nothin' On This' Thumbnail of the map 'Mandolin' Thumbnail of the map 'A Clown of Rather Grotesque Proportions' Thumbnail of the map 'The Devil Inside' Thumbnail of the map 'I shall bear down upon thee and eat thy children'
Please Believe Me Zeus Aint Got Nothin' On This Mandolin A Clown of Rather Grotesque Proportions The Devil Inside I shall bear down upon thee and eat thy children


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5/5 faved!

Loved the tileset. gameplay rocked. but it was hard. I couldn't beat. but its so damn addictive, I wasted my whole afternoon trying to beat it.


Not bad gameplay. Very nice tileset.


cool gameplay

I like most of the tileset.
good job.


for all you dunces... :D
Demo Data
im too lousy at this game..
but if you made me an easier one, i might be able to, and I'll work my ass of until i get you an agd :D
also, i like this... it's just too hard for me
That thing (the tileset) scares me.