I shall bear down upon thee and eat thy children

Thumbnail of the map 'I shall bear down upon thee and eat thy children'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2006-08-31
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Resubmit for lack of votes, twice in a row.

Seriously, play the level man, because it will be the high point in your day before you spiral into deep depression and end up with a splitting hangover the next day. :D
Do NOT rate and leave comments!!! (Reverse phsycology has to work sometime) :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rope Roses' Thumbnail of the map 'Please Believe Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Zeus Aint Got Nothin' On This' Thumbnail of the map 'Mandolin' Thumbnail of the map 'A Clown of Rather Grotesque Proportions' Thumbnail of the map 'The Devil Inside'
Rope Roses Please Believe Me Zeus Aint Got Nothin' On This Mandolin A Clown of Rather Grotesque Proportions The Devil Inside


Pages: (0)

its hard

to know where your going at first.

nice tileset in areas.

such as getting lots of the gold, executing the first jump properly, and getting through most of the level. all gold, obviously, is more difficult than just beating the level, but I encourage you... and please, please vote and comment, really. I think it is unfair to the people who have already played this for it to keep being resubmitted, and I am sure you will enjoy it anyway... if ya don't... let me know!
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