Excursions: The Final Breath of Destiny Towards the Unity and Tranquility of an Altogether Pooped Out Country In Conflict With its Own Technology Which has Brought More Love than Hate to The Community Which was, at One Point, Known as a Community of Love.

Thumbnail of the map 'Excursions: The Final Breath of Destiny Towards the Unity and Tranquility of an Altogether Pooped Out Country In Conflict With its Own Technology Which has Brought More Love than Hate to The Community Which was, at One Point, Known as a Community of Love.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author turtles
Tags author:turtles playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-08-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Try saying THAT 5 times quickly. It would take a while
anyway, I think this is a fun one.
What about you?

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999 jumpy bouncy 01-0: Over the mountains 02:0 The Labrinth Tribal Sacrafice A day at the beeches with leach


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Excursions: The Final Breath of Destiny Towards the Unity and Tranquility of an Altogether Pooped Out Country In Conflict With its Own Technology Which has Brought More Love than Hate to The Community Which was, at One Point, Known as a Community of Love.
encluding epigone


pretty fun stuff... i like the positionings of the chainguns... 4/5


Good map: simple and fun.
Demo Data