Thumbnail of the map '999'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles dda rated
Created 2006-06-04
Last Modified 2006-07-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description 99turtle99's 999frame dda.

one of my rare ddas

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'dda' Thumbnail of the map 'CODE GREEN!' Thumbnail of the map 'CODE ORANGE!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'CODE PURPLE!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Electromagnetivable Radiated Factory: The Cuddly Unintelligent Bunnies Go Crazy' Thumbnail of the map 'Tree of death'
dda CODE GREEN! CODE ORANGE!!! CODE PURPLE!! Electromagnetivable Radiated Factory: The Cuddly Unintelligent Bunnies Go Crazy Tree of death


Pages: (0)


by almost 2000 people. you were here before nemetacyst too.


i wasn't here when? and now it's DDA. if people snipe, ask for help, i'm always glad to help (unlike some people, they don't care whether or not i was sniped).


its like a sequel!

howdy turtle

been a while hmm?
unfortunately i got a new computer and so N isnt loaded onto it... ill go pick up N and come rate this later

shaden's back!


just so you know, ive been here way longer than you

by about 1500 people
check if you want...

you sexy n00b



thanx for explaining

ya, thats about right.

thanks for the comments, all


I just love how you got it to be 999 frames, but why in test levels if you said it's DDA?
turtle has given up on ratings, he hates the sniping that happens, and doesnt care what people rate his levels anymore, and it doesnt really matter now because ppl tend not to rate test levels much...

at least i think thats right...feel free to correct me turtle...

why's it

categorized as Test Level?

the DDA

itself is okay with quite a bit of close calls. it was freakin awesome that you got it to be exactly 999 frames! 4.5/5