Mines of the Fallen

Thumbnail of the map 'Mines of the Fallen'

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Author nemetacyst
Tags author:nemetacyst playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-06-12
Last Modified 2006-06-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description tell me what category this classifies as, im really not sure...

this is a lvl of the Royal Series, which can be found here

it is completely my design and build, i did not take it, but this and several like are in the series, including one more complex than this one...

so basically, this lvl is shameless advertising and a submission of my newest idea...i hope you like it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Random Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Velociraptor' Thumbnail of the map 'Impact' Thumbnail of the map 'Pride of the Empire' Thumbnail of the map 'Corridrones' Thumbnail of the map 'Butterphish'
Random Tileset Velociraptor Impact Pride of the Empire Corridrones Butterphish


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as u know

cheatable an here is the demo to confirm it. Concept 4.5
execution 3.25

Demo Data
amd its jsut an intro lvl, change the series one so its not cheatable, dont wry about keeping them the same...
btw, qix found this was cheatable. the demos in the royal series topic. do you want me to change it? or do you want to make your change here, and ill copy this one into the pack.

this is hard

but very original. its really fun to. 5/5
and how could there be a harder one than this?
*goes to check royal series*
and I think this goes in puzzle.


post a demo when i get time i make it...i know its possible, its just hard in spots...

i dont

fucking like polar bears lol sorry had to say that (sarcasm for some of you slow people) btw love this map i cant friggin beat it

no nemetacyst

i know you didnt get it done im saying you die 15 secs into it

hey uhm

nemetacyst the demo you posted on one of my maps doesnt work and this map is kinda hard lol 4/5

last thing

its actually harder then it looks...
some parts can be a challenge...manuvering in mid air is slow...


i realize its fairly simple and short, the point was really just to introduce the concept, number five is longer and more complex