Marathon (Final)

Thumbnail of the map 'Marathon (Final)'

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Author cydux
Tags author:cydux playable race rated
Created 2006-03-31
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Ok, I didn't get to edit'er in time - so here is the FINAL best version - very fun to play. Again, please rate it when you're done playing, and comments/demos are appreciated. In this one I made some adjustments to the mine placement to facilitate for faster and smoother runs.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Geodexus ' Thumbnail of the map 'Thrill Ride' Thumbnail of the map 'Puncture The Core' Thumbnail of the map 'Tumble Terror' Thumbnail of the map 'Zsipex Omedron Fringes' Thumbnail of the map 'Marathon (revised)'
Geodexus Thrill Ride Puncture The Core Tumble Terror Zsipex Omedron Fringes Marathon (revised)


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thanks buddy

respect DriveBackTheDead :) once I get my damned comp fixed up, I'm gonna check out some of your levels fo sho


that was sweet, again, it is way smoother than the other one. i am not a fucking bitch and going to pick the shit out of it. i thought it was very entertaining, it is in my favorites. good work. 5/5
Demo Data
nah I'ma done resubmitting. Apparently certain people are a little too picky and querulous.


Demo Data

to make it better

if you gonna resubmit, do this:

1/4snap your name. remove the jumppads at the top. make the mines 1/2 box closer, so you have to hit the walls at max speed. in the lower section, remove three quarters of the gold, leaving only the ones that require full 'flow' to get.

then i will consider voting.
damn jumppads blocked me from my allgold.
Demo Data


try... so close
Demo Data


to tell you the truth, I think it really sucked. Also, when you have a mediocre map, don't just keep resubmiting it so that it might get rated higher. Your enemy placement was dumb- the rocket launchers barely ever saw you in time do do any damage.

Z-snapping your name in gold is never cool. Trust me.

The bottom was boring, had no flow, and the launchpads often messed you up.

The loops to the very right weren't space very well, it was easy to screw up by simply using the walls too well.


Please, don't submit it again.


A little too much object clutter, other than that it was nice. You don't need all that gold it there and it lags the level up.

to playa1

Seriously what's so wrong with the launch pads up top? Personally I like the little extra boost to get things in momentum.. but maybe that's just me. It's funny how when people ask for me to make the map better by removing mines and things (ie easier), the next version round they rate it lower, because it's TOO easy. I like to make maps primarily for the fun factor and for their looks.


Thanks guys - I appreciate your honesty. Expect some more cool races to come..


so every time you submit this mediocre map, people llway tell you to get rid of the launch pads at the top, but you never do! You ignorance, and the mediocracy of this map get an all deserving 2.5/5


here is my demo
i really enjoyed playing this map
Demo Data
it has really good flow and is fun to play, thats a big plus
the jump pads in the beggining were pointless, ur name at the top was kinda pointless too, but still cool looking, i liked all the mines and enemies and tilest, but there was way to much gold at the bottom part, and those launchpads were pointless at the bottom as well, u could have done that part without them. I really liked the ending how he squeezed up thru the tiles so for all of this u get a 4/5 from me, mianly because of all the launchpads and ogld everywhere, a race should not need launchpads in my opinion, but GOOD JOB


flowy, but a little too easy. I beat it on my 2nd rone. I liked the entire thing, but the bottom really messed up the flow. The loopy stuff was really nice though. Not bad.4