Crazy Straw

Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Straw'

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Author spilledtea
Tags author:spilledtea playable race rated
Created 2006-03-26
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description A race map...but you have to go quickly or you won't be able to demo's and comments...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The wave' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump puzzle' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Cheating DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Tight Corridors (Who wants a DED!?)' Thumbnail of the map 'Shelled' Thumbnail of the map 'Snap and Crackle'
The wave Thwump puzzle Death Cheating DDA Tight Corridors (Who wants a DED!?) Shelled Snap and Crackle


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surprising spilledtea, that you don't know how to NaN drones.

I agree with Vikedal, you really should get NaNing, for the lag is hell.

Check the Manual NEditing Topic on the metanet forums.

The race was okay, but timing the zap drones was a pretty bad idea which turns into horrible with the lag.




doors around the chainguns drones is to make them not move even if the doors are opened!Duh!

Stupid Doors.

Why does everyone put the doors around the chain drones to open all at once?! it lags to high hell, and it makes the most annoying sound! room by room next time. Bad flow, but the rest was good. nice enemy placement and timing. 2.5/5


NIce timing.
Demo Data