Death Cheating DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Death Cheating DDA'

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Author spilledtea
Tags author:spilledtea dda rated
Created 2006-03-01
Last Modified 2006-03-02
by 36 people.
Map Data

Description Took me a long time, but it came out pretty awesome...there are no edited launchpads here, the acceleration can be done if the thwump boosts you off as it "kills" you. N dies something like 20 times (including the times where he's killed by two things at once). Keep in mind guys, how hard it is to death cheat even once. I know some people don't like it because they think it doesn't take any talent or something like that...I strongly disagree, when it's done purposely, it can be awesome.... I hope you guys like it!

Press 1 before playing!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Shuriken Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Frenzy' Thumbnail of the map 'KRA!!!!!! (fixed)' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalagtites or Stalagmites?' Thumbnail of the map 'The wave' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump puzzle'
The Shuriken Race Rocket Frenzy KRA!!!!!! (fixed) Stalagtites or Stalagmites? The wave Thwump puzzle


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in debug mode!
You were killed by a thwump. (x6)
You were killed by a homing rocket.
You were killed by a thwump.
You were killed by a homing rocket.
You were killed by a thwump. (x2)
level completed (x4)
You were killed by yourself!! looooooser!!

doesn't work

it doesn't work on my computer. he gets zapped, falls and dies.


I made a cheat death map like this too


lol how did u get him to get zapped all the time?!? that was insane!!!


don't get the 1 before you start thing. do you need to play in debug mode?


Fun map
Demo Data


holy freakin' god. that was amazing.


Know where I could learn to do that?


That... was... AMAZING!
I've never seen that happen before! 5/5!


you have to understand that spilledtea spent a while figuring out the exact time to have a fake death. You can't hate death cheating just because you're new and everyone else says that. Think of the effor put into the map, and judge by that and the overall performance.

Besides the fact

that that was a completely amazing DDA
you were able to cheat death countless times
really amazing
i gave you a 5/5

Cool thing to see

most times that you die, N is lauched up and lands almost always on that top trap door...i thought it looked cool.


but i like when either you survive or when there is a one frame win. still very good though


nice job...i kinda wished that there were more rocket cheats adn such (thwumps are slightly easier IMHO), but overall great job. hard to rate, but i think 4/5




cheating death!!! i hate it...but i totally understand how hard it is to do. I just dont include it for userlevels im gonna watch the dda...
I hate it when you make a map you're really proud of and a few people vote it really high, but nobody else plays it.