Spiral Death Chamber

Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral Death Chamber'

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Author XiaoXiaoMan
Tags author:xiaoxiaoman playable race unrated
Created 2006-02-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Now THIS is hard. I tried it myself! This takes place inside a spiral chamber OF DEATH!!!! Keep running, and DON'T HIT THE BRAKES!!! The more u stop, the greater ur chance of being zapped by a deadly gauss turret!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Oops!' Thumbnail of the map 'Hate Those Thwumps' Thumbnail of the map 'Office Space' Thumbnail of the map 'Gauss Turret Madness' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap Drones N’ Gauss Turrets' Thumbnail of the map '5 Chambers'
Oops! Hate Those Thwumps Office Space Gauss Turret Madness Zap Drones N’ Gauss Turrets 5 Chambers


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fyi, i know u start at the exit. that's the point! Duuuuuuuuuuuuh.


Demo Data


submitted 68 maps in 10 days, 4 were rated, and average rating is 2.

just being more precise


im honoured.

i wasnt called a noob, but yeh i agree with you, for example MCp3000 whoever it is with a name like has submitted about 50 maps in the last week and 2 have been rated


dont get me wrong

noobs are not a bad thing...its just soo many seem to not care about the level quality of what they post...



we cant be the only ones...

then again noobs have flooded we may be few in numbers...


glad somebody agrees with me or i would look real stupid


my mistake...i didnt watch the demo, yea, he didnt reset it

and kamikazi

thats not a reset error, if it had been, he would have been running the wrong way, therefor, it wouldnt have worked, he just only went one way without going back...





SOOOOOO DIFFICULT!!!! just really really long with lots of chances to easily screw up...hence my death...
(i needed to let it shoot before i started running up that slope, simple mistake)
Demo Data

and also, because you forgot to reset it, N starts by the exit door and runs out to the exit switch and back again. your demo is with n running from the exit switch to the door only. you didnt reset the map before submitting it for your demo to work

this is REALLY too easy. i did this first time, and didn't once have trouble
Demo Data

How's THIS?

I doubt this is gonna be 2 easy 4 u. I will be rather surprised if i see messages saying "2 ez" or somethin. Don't look at the demo unless u tried the level and failed a lot.
Demo Data