
Thumbnail of the map 'Oops!'

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Author XiaoXiaoMan
Tags author:xiaoxiaoman playable survival unrated
Created 2005-11-22
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This level may not be too easy. You'll have to find the access panel to get through the door. Be careful, or you'll be zapped (or blown up) before you can say "Oops!".

Other maps by this author

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Trapmoline Floor 10 Rooms Zap Drone Chamber


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Man, that's a mouthful! I'll work on it. Thanks 4 the advice.
Add a rocket in the center, add some switches, dont hide the exit switch or switches though, put them above or ontop of the bouncelock, and maybe some optional gold. Also, do 1/2 snap mines instead of 1/4 its much less load and it still doesnt let you touch the walls or floor, Maybe even take out the mines on the ceiling. Hope I helped =D
Interesting idea, but blazeraid is right, you could make this level much harder. I think it would be more fun that way.
Demo Data


Ok, blazeraid. I'll work on it.


way too easy.
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