Trapmoline Floor

Thumbnail of the map 'Trapmoline Floor'

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Author XiaoXiaoMan
Tags author:xiaoxiaoman playable survival unrated
Created 2005-11-22
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Can you survive in this level without being zapped or blasted? It's possible. Just very difficult.


Pages: (0)



got kinda bored so i killed my self
Demo Data


it sucks


I have another level that's even more challenging. Good luck with it. It will be done in about 5 minutes!


Hey! It's a survival level. It's not supposed to have an exit. And it's too easy? That can be arranged. ;)


This level is very easy. I am also disappointed there is no exit door. I would recommend making this map marginally better by putting the exit door where I dance at the end of the demo. Sorry bout the long demo, but I just bounce around for a while because I don't really know what to make of the level.
Demo Data


More like "just very easy"...

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