Hall Monitor

Thumbnail of the map 'Hall Monitor'

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Author mezzoforte
Tags author:mezzoforte puzzle unrated
Created 2021-11-02
Last Modified 2021-11-03
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I was gonna wait to submit this cause I don't want to crowd out the front page, but I was too happy with how it turned out. I know it doesn't look too pretty but I was quite proud of the puzzle aspect of it.

Edited the map (broke Arona's demo, very sorry about that), but the original route still works. Arona let out their true highscoring self and immediately found the hardest but fastest route, kudos for finding an exploit I missed.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Greylands' Thumbnail of the map 'Strolling Through the Slums' Thumbnail of the map 'Malevolent Rectangles' Thumbnail of the map 'Heaven and Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Glitch' Thumbnail of the map 'Cognition'
The Greylands Strolling Through the Slums Malevolent Rectangles Heaven and Hell Glitch Cognition


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Demo Data
but i randomly got it on accident, i think you kind of bounce off the left wall and then spam wall jump while in midair above the floorguard.

go ahead and kill the demo though, i watched your route and it is way more fun

I cannot for the life of me figure out how you did that. I tried to repeat manually and with fbf and couldn't do it.


yeah, that route wasn't intentional. I thought I'd tested that, but I guess not. I'll have to fix that if you don't mind me breaking your demo. Sorry.

extremely hard

especially the beginning

also, not sure if this route is intentional
Demo Data

The route

If you give up.

I don't think it's cheatable but someone may see something I don't.
Demo Data