
Thumbnail of the map 'Glitch'

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Author mezzoforte
Tags author:mezzoforte mazeish puzzleish unrated
Created 2021-10-11
Last Modified 2021-10-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description I was going to make this longer but then I realized the concept might be kind of obnoxious. Would it have worked as a longer map, or is it too tedious?

Other maps by this author

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A Really Bad Map What Is? The Greylands Strolling Through the Slums Malevolent Rectangles Heaven and Hell


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But its a nice concept, you could develop this maze-like structure further maybe adding some chaser drones to ramp up the tension even more

i like it

plenty of room to make the map longer, maybe add some more tile patterns and gold
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