Dangerous rooms

Thumbnail of the map 'Dangerous rooms'

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Author jirka
Tags author:jirka challenging unrated
Created 2014-05-25
Last Modified 2014-05-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hi, I don't have much time for mapping lately, so I hope this still has some quality and you will enjoy it. Inspired by classic old 4 rooms maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-2 Mini maze' Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-3 Watch your head' Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-4 Round the ball' Thumbnail of the map 'Red line of death' Thumbnail of the map 'Alien invasion' Thumbnail of the map 'Air complex'
SCE01-2 Mini maze SCE01-3 Watch your head SCE01-4 Round the ball Red line of death Alien invasion Air complex


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nice map

Welcome to glitch-ey world of N!
I thought that a quadruple would be required from the side of the bounce block, but later figured out that triple would suffice.
sub-200 speedrun
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