Air complex

Thumbnail of the map 'Air complex'

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Author jirka
Tags author:jirka jumper minimalism symmetry unrated
Created 2014-05-13
Last Modified 2014-05-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Small jumper map,with little tricks on the way. Have fun :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SCE 01-1 wtf?' Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-2 Mini maze' Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-3 Watch your head' Thumbnail of the map 'SCE01-4 Round the ball' Thumbnail of the map 'Red line of death' Thumbnail of the map 'Alien invasion'
SCE 01-1 wtf? SCE01-2 Mini maze SCE01-3 Watch your head SCE01-4 Round the ball Red line of death Alien invasion


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Oh for sure! Certainly didn't mean to imply it's a poor map. I tend to sound angry on the internet, my apologies.


You are a partly right. It was easier in testing, that in real play. Still it's harder than I thought.

Of course it's your preferences. Maybe other people would find it more interesting.
Demo Data


I honestly found this more irritating than entertaining. It's just not my sort of map, though — I can't really judge jumpers.
Demo Data