Lock, Load, Live

Thumbnail of the map 'Lock, Load, Live'

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Author 123leonidas321
Tags action author:123leonidas321 leofeatworth perplex puzzle semi-jumper unrated
Created 2013-08-03
Last Modified 2013-08-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I took off might take off the perplex tag from my last map so I could post this. This map has jumper parts and puzzle parts, I love it. Sorry for the map spam btw.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Parole' Thumbnail of the map 'Pot-Roast Clumpage' Thumbnail of the map 'Electrified Energy Lapses' Thumbnail of the map 'Insanity At Its Finest' Thumbnail of the map 'The Enchanted Square Cloud of Floorguards' Thumbnail of the map 'The World in a Box'
Parole Pot-Roast Clumpage Electrified Energy Lapses Insanity At Its Finest The Enchanted Square Cloud of Floorguards The World in a Box


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My computer is so laggy T_T
But I need some advice on flow. How is the flow here (ignore aesthetics)?

yeah would be awesome if you were not the only one though


where can i see this list of top 5 maps?

haha thanks man! it was a good one. :)

you are right

I majorly edited the far right part. Also I felt the jumping wasn't that hard, but I slanted the mines in case.

Thanks for the catch!
If you grab the gold and that trap before the higher one then it just locks the drones in, which is kind of less fun than having to run down before them so I think it's still extraneous
The first part where you dodge the gauss with the drones passing above is way harder than the rest of the map, you could maybe add a bounce block or something to tone it down a little. Also one of the trapdoors (on the bottom to the left of the normal door switch) doesn't help you at all, it should just be deleted cuz it's not fun to have to start over for something like that.

Don't mind me, I'm just being super dense today. I was grabbing gold a bit farther in advance than necessary >_<
you get it usually /before/ you do anything major.

Ah, I got it. Is it true that you have to backtrack for some of the gold though? Unless I'm missing something, I'm not a big fan of that. The rest is really chill.


this one you guys'll have to figure out


I believe you get three submissions. This looks really chill, I'll play it when I get some more time.