User information for "Pixelwiz"

Maps 111 (Show all)
Rated Maps -1 (Show all)
Favorites 54 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 178


My ninja is allergic to gold.

Metanet forums username: DraxoBox
Skype: draxobox
Discord: Deluxe#3255

Quantum Echo [] by Nexx []
Mechonis Fields [] by spudzalot [] and SkyRay []
Quick Sense [] by blue_rocks []
meet me in the lab~ [] by PALEMOON []
Running in the 90s [] by Mr_Mongoose []
seaweed [] by Yoke3000 []
Kiss Off [] by Sunset []
The Great Firewall [] by Yahoozy []
Back to your roots [] by Spackal []
XX-394-456b [] by DW40 []
Holes [] by Yoke3000 []
Great Barrier Reef [] by Yoke3000 []
Acid Rain Trip [] by DaggaFork []
05-1 - Radiation [] by Pakment []
Good Evening [] by Kablizzy []
05-3 - Quadrangle Design [] by Pakment []
47-4 HELL//TERMINAL 01 [] by Vanquish []
Idlewild [] by krusch []
61-1: Jeremoon is Dead? [] by zoasBE []
It's been 4 years? [] by Mohit_Ghune []
the gambler [] by mahi_mahi []
unboiling of the egg [] by blacklef []
Breatnut Territory [] by Arona_Daal []
Devant Guard [] by Hindi []
Hill [] by bigblargh []
Fight off ancient trays [] by RandomDigits []
crush [] by pookill7 []
continental drift 2: tokyo drift [] by ska []
ottori [] by SilentDemon []

I know it's possible but I give up anyway:
Roughness nice to touch [] by PavlitoGAMES []
Woven [] by Hindi []

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map '2postmodern4u' Thumbnail of the map 'Final Storm 5: End Wall' Thumbnail of the map 'alien' Thumbnail of the map 'Cipher [NReality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Disgruntled' Thumbnail of the map 'Lying Coldly'
2postmodern4u Final Storm 5: End Wall alien Cipher [NReality] Disgruntled Lying Coldly