
Thumbnail of the map 'Layers'

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Author Pixelwiz
Tags author:pixelwiz bounceblock hard pixelwiz puzzle-race-ish speed unrated
Created 2013-03-26
Last Modified 2013-03-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Do you have crazy-fast jumping reflexes? If not, you will run out of lifespan, and just to add salt to the wound, THERE'S NO GOLD.

Good luck beating this one!

P.S.: N skill test 3 is on the way.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N skill test level 1: Control Yourself' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss Battle 1: Rocketeer' Thumbnail of the map 'N skill test level 2: MMONKG' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss Battle 2: War Zone' Thumbnail of the map 'Boss Battle 3: Electrical Fence'
N skill test level 1: Control Yourself Boss Battle 1: Rocketeer N skill test level 2: MMONKG Boss Battle 2: War Zone Boss Battle 3: Electrical Fence


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Shitty demo compared to kiaora.
Demo Data


I never considered using the sides before. I always go out through the top and then back in through the bottom.

and another.
Demo Data

fastest! \o/
Demo Data
what lsudny said was that it was tedious. Tedious does not mean hard. It means tiresome or monotonous. Which it is. There is absolutely no excitement or any fun at all in this map. Instead there is a lot of smashing the shift key and getting pissed at everything that exists around you.
if you got the power in your puny ninja legs, you will win with about 10 seconds of lifespan left.

Although, I once beat it with 26 seconds left.
Demo Data

oh my

this is incredibly tedious.