
Thumbnail of the map 'contortionist'

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Author nitrile
Tags author:nitrile contortionist hard race unrated
Created 2012-12-16
Last Modified 2012-12-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is a tough race, good luck. the level is based on a lot of midair twisting and turning, so push on those arrow keys as hard as you can.
streetsahead: seems like i stole a con word.

Other maps by this author

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simply trapdoors circuit diagram triangular depths light and dark strokes monument battlefield


Pages: (0)

but this is alright. nice enemy choices. 3.5

interesting flow

floating invisible barriers.


agd-1, whew this was hard.
jump fail at ~750 frames.
watch with displaystate on for more fun.
Demo Data