Believe in you

Thumbnail of the map 'Believe in you'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset featured unrated
Created 2012-11-11
Last Modified 2012-11-11
Map Data

Description Something simple. I didn't want to make it too overly complicated, though I fear I did.

This map was featured on 2012-12-17

I love this map because its not something extravagant. Don't get me wrong, I get a little frisky in my pants every time I play a Losttortuga map, but sometimes its nice to take a break from those ridiculously planned out, perfectly orchestrated maps. This map has a simple idea, yes, but you won't feel like you're playing some new user's third ever map; these mechanics are brilliant and the placement is fine tuned. Unfortunately, I seemed to be the only one who noticed this jewel, because palemoon just wanted to shoot a ghost. So I featured it. — lfaber

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Deus ex machina' Thumbnail of the map 'Countdown to ecstacy' Thumbnail of the map 'All the stars come out at night' Thumbnail of the map 'Tears in their eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'Outside's just for peace of mind' Thumbnail of the map 'An end to need'
Deus ex machina Countdown to ecstacy All the stars come out at night Tears in their eyes Outside's just for peace of mind An end to need


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Great map
Demo Data


Demo Data


FFUn map :D
Demo Data
I love the bottom part!

woo! thanks!

also, 10th feature, fuck yea!

quite cool.

nice choice!

a bit faster

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great selection

Demo Data
But it turns out to work quite well.


The two top thwumps. Trying to trigger them without dying was either incredibly irritating (if I tried to walljump off the tile just underneath) or tedious (if I simply jumped up and let myself fall back down, only to have to jump again). I managed it but not without annoyance either way.

But hey, that's a pretty minor complaint compared to my usual bitching. Good map.

Demo Data

lfaber might not be in the mood but i always am

wow. this is cool.

great, fun map. I was in the mood to say something ridiculous and not relating to anything... but this map.... this map is really good.
and also a somewhat fast AGD
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