Pillars of Danger

Thumbnail of the map 'Pillars of Danger'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Parado
Tags author:parado fun gold medium mines playable rated
Created 2012-09-24
Last Modified 2012-09-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description What will you find in the ruins?
First map.


Pages: (0)


fastest. great debut.
Demo Data


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Demo Data


Thanks guys! I'm working on my next one right now

Welcome to NUMA!!!

Enjoy your stay!
Great for a first! ;)


So I was a little late with advice, it's the thought that counts.

great first map!

the icon settings can be changed from your profile, if you click the profile tab at the top then there should be an 'Edit settings' link in the top right. Here's an AGD
Demo Data

Found it!

Thanks man.

avatar on nmaps?

click on your username.
You should see "User information for "Parado""
In that box you have a link on the right side saying "edit settings".

Thank you very much! Hey, how do you change your icon? I can't find the settings

welcome to NUMA!

really well built. 4.
Demo Data