0007. King Of Ante Up

Thumbnail of the map '0007. King Of Ante Up'

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Tags 3x3 author:vodkalover unrated
Created 2012-06-05
Last Modified 2012-06-05
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0001. Breathe In Life' Thumbnail of the map '0002. Dream Chaser' Thumbnail of the map '0003. Raining Twilight' Thumbnail of the map '0004. A Sunny Day' Thumbnail of the map '0005. Feeling Whimsical' Thumbnail of the map '0006. Pinkie's Videogame'
0001. Breathe In Life 0002. Dream Chaser 0003. Raining Twilight 0004. A Sunny Day 0005. Feeling Whimsical 0006. Pinkie's Videogame


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Demo Data

Much slower than Eddy. Didn't like this one much
Demo Data


Funny map :D
Demo Data

Nice title. :D


Interesting concept.
Demo Data

oh sorry

what I was saying is all your maps look the same. you seem to be constantly doing the same thing. I understand that you like 3x3 maps, but maybe change the other tiles to make them more interesting and distinguishing.
to be honest I have not actually played any, as 3x3 maps make me frustrated so I cannot comment on the playability.
also I do apologise for calling you a dickhead.


Since I'm not english native I can't get your comment? What you mean friend?
Sub-100 is probably possible.
Demo Data

is it fair to say

stuck it a rut?