sky fortress

Thumbnail of the map 'sky fortress'

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Author thealien123
Tags action author:thealien123 fun jumper sky unrated
Created 2012-05-29
Last Modified 2012-05-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i haven't made a map in a long time, so i thought i would give it a shot. I'd say this turned out pretty well. anyway, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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thwump towers tiles small cave another tunnel break-off thwupin race


Pages: (0)

oh yes! my god!!!

I'm so sorry! I forgot to mention, sorry. yes. are your tiles!!!
My bad! :(

Hey man.

Thanks! Though my recent output has been shadowed by the fact that they're, as people tell me, too damn difficult. I'd beg to differ, but that'd imply that I knew they were too difficult. Anyways, this map is pretty cool. Beginning was a bit frantic, but I think you did the concept some good. Things got a little bit annoying with the pin-point accuracy jumping, but I liked that. All in all, I'd give it a 4.


just a completion. no AGD
Demo Data