thwupin race

Thumbnail of the map 'thwupin race'

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Author thealien123
Tags author:thealien123 fun medium race thwumps unrated
Created 2011-09-16
Last Modified 2011-09-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I haven't done a race map in a long time, so I thought i would give it a shot. I guess I was inspired by "The Crazy Miner" but I know that map is a million times better than this on, but anyways, please enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the pit' Thumbnail of the map 'thwump towers' Thumbnail of the map 'tiles' Thumbnail of the map 'small cave' Thumbnail of the map 'another tunnel' Thumbnail of the map 'break-off'
the pit thwump towers tiles small cave another tunnel break-off


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Thanks, dude.

I'm in a bit of a volatile mood right now, though that alleviated it somewhat. Thanks again. Hope to you around.

Sup man?

You still around? How've you been?


what nudel said. And if i did not have any mines, then the map would be boring.

chicken McNuggets,

you're new on NUMA, i think, and you'll learn to finish maps like this. :)
i die when i get them make easier map plz thanks




thought this was the way. ^^
Demo Data

this is pretty awesome


romaniac and drayr. im really hoping i can get a decent amount of people to play this map.


Great use of thwumps.


I found a slightly different path to you. At the start, it was difficult to find out where to do, but discovering that large jump over to land on the thwump safely was just awesome.
Demo Data

AGD completion

not the fastest demo, but it does show the path if you can not find it.
Demo Data