Do as the Birds

Thumbnail of the map 'Do as the Birds'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bluenin
Tags action author:bluenin puzzle unrated
Created 2011-10-27
Last Modified 2011-10-27
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Eat the remains.

Please enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Fail' Thumbnail of the map 'Changing Guns for Brooms the Guards Change to Cleanup Crews' Thumbnail of the map 'SH-10151' Thumbnail of the map 'Stranger than Fiction' Thumbnail of the map 'A Time to Intrude' Thumbnail of the map 'Jimmy Came Home'
Electric Fail Changing Guns for Brooms the Guards Change to Cleanup Crews SH-10151 Stranger than Fiction A Time to Intrude Jimmy Came Home


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I did get an AGD

but this demo is better.
Demo Data

Too much for me, this late at least. Always nice to see a neat bluenin map though.

"please enjoy" That I did mate, bloody good map.