Electric Fail

Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Fail'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bluenin
Tags action author:bluenin rated
Created 2011-03-19
Last Modified 2011-03-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Somethings not right...

Please enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Parasites in the Sole' Thumbnail of the map 'Pitfall' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mind of Murphy' Thumbnail of the map '私の地図がいかに味がするか私に言いなさい' Thumbnail of the map 'Upstairs, Downstairs' Thumbnail of the map 'Pulled through'
Parasites in the Sole Pitfall The Mind of Murphy 私の地図がいかに味がするか私に言いなさい Upstairs, Downstairs Pulled through


Pages: (0)

Fun fun

could have been executed more, in my opinion. 4
Demo Data

I played this map for kind of a long time but never commented.

faster AGD

and I was having fun with that drone :D
Demo Data


Great map, had a nice feel to it.

...and a faster all gold :P
Demo Data

faster speedrun
Demo Data

Faster speed demo.

Also, 4/5.
Demo Data

All gold
Demo Data

Demo Data