01-3 But While You Decide, Half Empty or Half Full

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Author ethel
Tags author:ethel deathcab featured manhattan plans rated
Created 2011-10-23
Last Modified 2011-10-23
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Thanks to Shortshift and Spudz for playtesting, sort of Losttortuga inspired. Worked really hard on this map.

This map was featured on 2015-01-15

713: the number of the vault at one stage containing the Philosopher’s Stone in the Harry Potter universe; the main area code for Houston, Texas; and in China, Kaiyuan Za Bao, one of the first newspapers in the world, begins publication. 713 is also the total amount grid squares for an N map.
But While You Decide, Half Empty or Half Full is one of those maps that makes me wonder how a design within such limitations can be so ethereal. The mesmerizing architecture of the alien landscape is complemented with surreal gameplay and ***WARNING: INTRUDER DETECTED. TRANSMISSION TERMINATED!***
— ska

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-2 Gravesty' Thumbnail of the map '00-3 Arcana, Gaia's Virtue' Thumbnail of the map 'Sleepy City Canoeing' Thumbnail of the map 'JACEY DUGARD IS EMERGES' Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Sorrow Drips Into Your Heart, Through a Pinhole' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Just Like a Faucet That Drips, And There Is Comfort'
00-2 Gravesty 00-3 Arcana, Gaia's Virtue Sleepy City Canoeing JACEY DUGARD IS EMERGES 01-0 Sorrow Drips Into Your Heart, Through a Pinhole 01-1 Just Like a Faucet That Drips, And There Is Comfort


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713 grid squares, that number had such a primy feel when I read it, although that was obviously impossible since they form a rectangle.

Turns out its 23x31, both of which are prime, that explains it. Didn't know that, although this is nothing new to mappers, probably.
I'd like to add that the tiles and the gold are pretty sweet. :)
I'm not a fan of double gausses. I'd have preferred a rocket.

Sweet review ska.

And a great map. I really like the gold on this one.



Demo Data


I left out an "of" in my review which is bugging me more than it probably should, despite triple checking it.


from about a week ago. faster than eddy (for now), which is nice :)
Demo Data

Dude, 11 flawless?

This is why I don't allow ratings on my maps

Well, EMG comments often my maps but he doesn't rate them often, so 1 rating lesser. flagmyidol didn't rate this to 99.9% Chdrenkmann too, me to 100%. 8 Ratings but just 2 obvious. :D

I rated this. Why you so paranoid? :V

Who rated this? Just 4 comments and just 1 rated it maybe.

I did maneuver well here


good placement of the gauss, but it was still really easy.

nice map though.


Good map :)
Demo Data