WARNING: This map will kick your ass!!

Thumbnail of the map 'WARNING: This map will kick your ass!!'

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Author MTO
Tags apalling author:mto cruel fun merciless sadistic unrated
Created 2011-10-19
Last Modified 2011-10-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Are you looking for an obscenely and perversely difficult challenge? Looking to lose a couple million brain cells due to ripping agony and fiery rage? "Mount Doom" was too easy for you? "Tenacious" was a piece of cake? Look no further.

Inspired by my countless hours spent torturing myself by playing some of the hardest and most annoying levels of any game I have ever laid eyes on, this map is my return gift to all who made many of my gaming hours such a miserable living hell.

For those of you crazy enough to try to beat this map, send in your replays and see how far you can get. If you complete it, I will be very impressed. If you somehow get all of the gold, I will acknowledge you as an Officially Certified Beast and Master Ninja of the Times, plus I'll be pretty freaking amazed.

P.S. In case anyone wonders, I did test this whole map in debug, it is possible to beat and get all gold. If you are a beast, that is.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Rave' Thumbnail of the map 'Cache' Thumbnail of the map 'IMPOSSIBRU!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Not a Ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'IMPOSSIBRU!! 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump maze!'
Laser Rave Cache IMPOSSIBRU!! Not a Ninja IMPOSSIBRU!! 2 Thwump maze!


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It IS possible, I tested it! For the second last part you need to utilize quick double-wall jumps, and for the bottom chamber you must jump on the corners of the blocks.

Stop being n00bs.
but this requires me to. Send in something that is possible, but only for the masochistic.

Anaphylactic Mephistophelean []

I hope I linked correctly. It's been a while.

the second and the last are impossible