Laser Rave

Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Rave'

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Author MTO
Tags action author:mto exciting fun hard tricky unrated
Created 2011-10-11
Last Modified 2011-10-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Laser drones are attacking from all four sides! Can you navigate through their deadly rays and reach the exit?

Other maps by this author

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Trapped Frustrating Climb Crouching ninja, hidden thwump U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret? U.N. Owen was a...Gauss Turret v.2


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I think

its quite difficult for those corners.
Demo Data


It is modified :D Try it again if you want.

Aw shucks

I guess I'm gonna have to modify it so you can't do that anymore.
Demo Data

a speedrun of sorts

Demo Data