Nature's Guise [Nreality]

Thumbnail of the map 'Nature's Guise [Nreality]'

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Author drikam
Tags action author:drikam epic nreality rocket sniper unrated
Created 2011-06-20
Last Modified 2011-06-20
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The rocket has no max speed and every frame becomes faster.
The thwumps are just for the looks.
Does anybody remember a similar tileset of mine?


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome Back, Myself [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Undead Chain II' Thumbnail of the map 'Imba Randomness' Thumbnail of the map '!love == 'rage'' Thumbnail of the map 'Snipers [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Nreality KRA'
Welcome Back, Myself [Nreality] Undead Chain II Imba Randomness !love == 'rage' Snipers [Nreality] Nreality KRA


Pages: (0)

Those thwumps are sick as fuck. Tough map, very enjoyable.


pretty fun :)
Demo Data

For 89-2

It's still Meta_Ing, but it's in speedruns rather than highscores.


That's why I wrote "no max speed". The max speed is '100', but I could also type '100000'. No difference. 100 is impossible.
^Here the max is 13.


So unlucky..
Demo Data

All gold

I like the thwump barrier. I don't think I could accidentally keep the rocket alive long enough to see it's full potential though. 7=
Demo Data

Lol sorry visitors for spamming my own map but I just love how this rocket snipers you down lol.
Demo Data


Just a show-off. Dead. xD

Death Non All Gold Demo LOL.
Demo Data


thats hard. but cool, fun challenge