Imba Randomness

Thumbnail of the map 'Imba Randomness'

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Author drikam
Tags action author:drikam unrated
Created 2011-06-12
Last Modified 2011-06-12
Map Data

Description I'm bored ; d

Disabled ratings.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Invincible' Thumbnail of the map 'Snaked - Nreality' Thumbnail of the map 'Frozen [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'You Want A Map [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome Back, Myself [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Undead Chain II'
Invincible Snaked - Nreality Frozen [Nreality] You Want A Map [Nreality] Welcome Back, Myself [Nreality] Undead Chain II


Pages: (0)

my account was created, when there were some issues with NUMA, and it was never fixed for accounts that were activated during that period. It sucks, but I managed to see past it. :)

First try AGD

Sorry for using the walls :p
Demo Data

I can see

why you disabled the ratings. This is really annoying. :p