
Thumbnail of the map 'rAve'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author n0_ma11y
Tags author:n0_ma11y chaingus nreality race rated
Created 2010-12-12
Last Modified 2010-12-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description heres a race

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sensei Orange' Thumbnail of the map 'This is sorta a test' Thumbnail of the map 'Boxed in' Thumbnail of the map 'The door.' Thumbnail of the map 'White rabbit's spine' Thumbnail of the map 'Soap and heat carved candy'
Sensei Orange This is sorta a test Boxed in The door. White rabbit's spine Soap and heat carved candy


Pages: (0)


I love it!!
Need golds but i like the chaingun idea.
Demo Data

nope, thats same with me. :P
but the chain guns get stuck to me if I don't move.
Demo Data

got it, EDIT TIME!!!!!!!
but it isn't very exciting like apse said.


there isn't really much to comment on. the flow was smooth, but a lack of any real excitement renders this map valueless.